Dr. Izzet Fatih Senturk
received the bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from Ege University in 2006, the master’s and PhD degrees in computer science from Cornell University and Southern Illinois University Carbondale in 2008 and 2013 respectively. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Bursa Technical University. He is a member of IEEE. His research interests include wireless sensor networks, Mobility-as-a-Service, distributed ledger technology, and cloud computing.

Ramazan Burak Korkmaz
is an undergraduate student at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Bursa Technical University, Turkey. His research interests are biomechatronics, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Siratigui Coulibaly
is an undergraduate student at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Bursa Technical University, Turkey.

Former Members
Gaoussou Youssouf Kebe
received his B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Bursa Technical University, Turkey, 2018. His research interests include cognitive computing, conversational agents, internet of things and natural language processing.

Kevser Kızılırmak
received her B.S. degree in Mechatronic Engineering from Fırat University in 2016. Kevser is currently pursuing her M.S. degree in Smart Systems Engineering at Bursa Technical University. Her research interests include artificial intelligence and optimization algorithms, internet of things, and autonomous mobile robots.